When we started our courtship season, we promised that we would save our first kiss for marriage. We were so sure that we could do it, but truly, pride comes before destruction (hahaha!) because after a few months…we failed. 😑
Yup, we failed to saved our first kiss for marriage. But that’s not the end of the story.
Committing to Save Our “Next Kiss”
After that first kiss, we were determined to get back on track with our ‘vow’ to save our first kiss for marriage but it proved to be difficult. It’s so true that once you’ve started and already crossed some boundaries, it becomes more difficult to hold back. You’ll end up pushing the limits more and more. We had our fair share of being ‘playful’ and we didn’t really mind so much how we were “treading enemy lines”, but our perspective changed one day.
It was our singles’ retreat, and we sat beside each other during the session on purity. The speaker talked about the well-known “Do not awaken love until it so desires” reminder, but what caught our attention was the encouragement that we can ask the Lord to “turn off” these desires if they had already been stirred.
After the prayer time, we looked at each other and committed not to liplock anymore until we get married. Yes–we were going to do it! We were going to save our first kiss for marriage.It wasn’t some romantic and emotional moment–it was simple and straightforward but we can say now that it definitely was Spirit-led.

Saving our “Next Kiss”
Now, we’re not saying that you shouldn’t kiss and that it is a hard rule to save your first kiss for marriage–it really is dependent on your conviction and how God is speaking to you — but we can say from experience that we have benefited from it.
Abstaining from kissing helped to lessen temptation, and allowed us to focus on getting to know and connect with each other deeply.
We learned about each other’s hopes, dreams, fears, likes, dislikes, “drama style”, annoyance trigges, etcetera. We are so thankful to God for preserving us for each other❤️ It was an added bonus too that we are not hindered by guilt and shame when we do ministry especially to young people that we are mentoring.

It was a challenging journey — we aren’t all-perfect. But, we can tell you that this kiss that you see in the photo was our first one since August 26, 2019! We were somehow able to save our first kiss for marriage after all.
It was so hilariously awkward and we were laughing ’cause we couldn’t remember how to kiss lip-to-lip! 😂 We bring back to the Lord all the glory–we weren’t able to do this because we are perfect or awesome. It is only by His grace!! We always commit our relationship to Him and express our desire that our being together would be a testimony of His goodness, and a good example to others — and He has granted our ask! Praise God!

If you are in a relationship and are already struggling with physical intimacy, IT IS NEVER TOO LATE TO STOP. Make the decision now to live right and live your truth. And your truth is that if you believe in Jesus, then YOU ARE THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD IN CHRIST.
If you are looking for guidance and prayers especially in this aspect, feel free to message us.😊We desire to pray with and for you and help give accountability.